Monday, April 11, 2005

it makes sense to mike...

So, did I tell you about the ignoranus I ran into the other day? Oh man, I tell ya… this glibido must have been reintarnated, cuz when he started telling me about seein’ a beelzebug, it was all I could do not to point out the defining parameters of his bozone layer… I mean really… you could see the sarchasm just widening as the words left my mouth… so here this osteopornotic idiot obviously thinks he’s got a case of hipititas, cuz he’s rattling off all these “big ideas” about how it’s going to make him famous, and I don’t know if it was the cashtration I was suffering from, my intaxication, or just the fact that I had been inoculatting all morning, but I started suffering from the dopeler effect, and thought it could work. I figured that if we got the message out with some giraffiti, and hired a few professional dancers to go into arachnoleptic fits in a few key subway stations, we might be able to attract an audience. So I spent the next day totally psyched, decalfalating and banking on what was sure to be my success. I guess I should have considered it a sign of my future when my face went catterpallor at lunch… everybody had heard about the dancers and started telling me how much it was going to fail… it was nothing but negativity… all day long… over and over… I tell ya, by the end of the day, I was almost thankful for the karmageddon…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're making me work too hard!