Thursday, January 05, 2006

Random thought #26

When you pass someone in the hall going the opposite direction and they start talking to you... how far away do you have to get before it’s acceptable to stop responding? what point does it just become yelling?

Hmmm... maybe all those people on city streets aren’t really crazy after all. Maybe they just forgot to stop talking.


Wraar said...

Good theory...but how would you explain the man on the T yelling at his backpack as he threw it on the floor, "when I tell you to stay down, bitch, you stay down!!!"?

Flarf said...

To be perfectly honest, if your dad ever said that to me, I'd quiet up real quick too.

and that guy on the "T"? He crazy.

Wraar said...

hee hee. I'm having visions of you getting smacked in the back of the head by your chicky...

...or your mom.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the warning

Flarf said...

i'm having flashbacks to a stroy involving the phrase "wide load"

Flarf said...

it's like a story... only with poorer spelling