Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fun with language #1

“I have a big cock” might be the only phrase in the English language that becomes less outlandish if spoken while holding a live rooster.

…also maybe “look at my pecker”.


Wraar said...

I dunno. I think looking at a tiger taking a crap really takes the zing out of "what a stinky pussy."

Anonymous said...

He then threw open the double gates for us to ride through.. Nothing the matter, Gideon, is there? Not feeling sick or anything? No, Misteh Stuhk; no, seh.. Such a woman as Mrs.. I thought you would be pleased to witness its first production in Washington.. Dickens, a white choker, that in the happy retreat of my own dressing-gowns and jackets my days went by as happily and cheaply as those of another Thalaba.. If a sharp wind blew suddenly, I saw it tremble and flutter; it was thin, flat, impalpable.. The beaver was his special crown of dignity.. The dead child was, therefore, really the fulfillment of a wish, but a wish which had been put aside for fifteen years, and it is not surprising that the fulfillment of the wish was no longer recognized after so long an interval.. And no mother has the least business with any other pleasures.. Her dream also shows the reproduction of the wish as accomplished.. We enjoy that hospitality of which no account is made.. But I must have it, otherwise we must forgo the interpretation of the dream.. Thus, for instance, a woman dreamt of herself carrying a tall flower-stalk, as in the picture of the Annunciation (Chastity-Mary is her own name), but the stalk was bedecked with thick white blossoms resembling camellias (contrast with chastity: La dame aux Camelias).. As each purchase was promptly paid for, and change had to be secured, the clerk earned his salary for that day at least.. He was sadly brow-beaten during his first term of service by a great broad-shouldered lout of some eighteen years or so, who thought he needed a little more schooling, but at the same time felt quite competent to direct the manner and measure of his attempts.. He was, indeed, got from the hall only with the greatest difficulty by the Governor, the City Marshal, who had been called in, and the Superintendent of my Sunday School.. In order to equalize the internal with the external sum of energy, the former must be continually maintained, just as actually happens in the hallucinatory psychoses and in the deliriums of hunger which exhaust their psychic capacity in clinging to the object desired.. She also sat down, but she was the first to find her voice.. So far we have failed to see any necessity for this addition to the dream mixture.. If, however, I continue the analysis for myself, without regard to those others, for whom, indeed, so personal an event as my dream cannot matter, I arrive finally at ideas which surprise me, which I have not known to be mine, which not only appear foreign to me, but which are unpleasant , and which I would like to oppose vehemently, whilst the chain of ideas running through the analysis intrudes upon me inexorably.