Thursday, June 30, 2005

Random thought #13

If you were dating a midget, and wanted to buy her/him roses... would you actually need a whole dozen? I mean, proportionately, wouldn't like, eight, be enough?

...and by the same token, would buying "long-stemmed" roses still be a kind gesture, or is it really just mocking at that point?


Flarf said...

i guess it would depend on the equability of the midget...

Anonymous said...


Flarf said...

Equability (a form of Equable): not easily disturbed; serene; not variable or changing -- said of the feelings or temper.

Flarf said...

I was trying to come up with the word temperament, but for some reason I came up with equability... my brain is weird

Anonymous said...

I like it! I learned a new word!

Wraar said...

you. are. a. dork. who comes up with equability when trying to think of ANY OTHER WORD!?!?!

Flarf said...

the flarf knows many words... and others he finds at :)