Thursday, September 29, 2005

Random thought #18

I know they say “the pen is mightier than the sword” and I’m all for believing them on that and stuff... but if I’m walking through some dark alley... and it’s like the middle of the night... and I come across some strange angry-lookin’ dude... I’m gonna hope he has a pen.

...a guy with a pen probably has more honorable intentions than a guy with a sword. Plus, I don't think a pen can decapitate you.


Flarf said...

unless he also had duct tape, macguyver would be lost

Flarf said...

James bond pen trumps sword... but then again, what would bond be doing in a dark alley with astranger?

he's more likely to be in Prague with Svetlana the hot spy/nuclear physicist

Flarf said...

that should be a bumper sticker

Anonymous said...

ah yes...try working in PR and you too will fear the pen ;)

Flarf said...

don't get me wrong, pens ARE intimidating... I'm pretty sure the blue ink bics have a bad attitude

Flarf said...

"ill take the penis mightier, alex" :)