Friday, May 06, 2005

The sound of self-pity...

Sometimes life just laughs at you…

So, a little over a month ago, I finally got a new job. Not a great job mind you, but still… a job. And I finally thought I’d be able to start climbing back out of debt. Then it happened… my car started having “issues.” Now, I’m not going to expel the time or energy necessary to lay out all the details for you, but by the time the whole fiasco was over, I would have much rather endured a wildly public flogging administered by an angry dwarf with a studded cat-o-nine tails and a penchant for low swings, than part with the number of duckets I haplessly volunteered to the gods of automotive repair.

My car’s running again, and I’ve tried to make peace with that situation… you know, like the wise old shaman is fond of saying:

“when life deals you negative thoughts, you must set them free… just put those thoughts in a balloon… a bright colorful balloon… then go outside and release that balloon into the wind, careless of where it goes… so it can fly away… higher and higher… creating an ever increasing distance between the negative thoughts, and the YOU that is living in the present”

and that’s all well and good… until of course your wonderful, bright balloon gets caught up in some wonderful, electrified power lines and gets ripped to shreds, leaving those wonderful, concentrated negative thoughts to drift down through the wonderful atmosphere until they get sucked up by a wonderful fluffy cloud, collect wonderful moisture, and then rain down on wonderful you with one hundred-fold strength!

Ok, so the analogy’s a bit deranged, and I should probably get back on my meds, but still… that’s what it felt like when I received the following recent bit of “wonderful” news.

According to my employer… my NEW employer… the one that just HIRED me… yes, THAT employer… well according to that employer, business isn’t as good as they had hoped… funds are not what they should be… and therefore ALL employees (even the new, cute, endearingly witty ones) are now being forced to take multiple weeks off… WITHOUT pay…

Um… excuse me?

First of call, call me naïve, but I didn’t even realize they could do that… You’d think they’d have to wait longer before telling me I’m not going to be making as much money as they just finished promising me I was going to be making… did that make sense? I think I said that right… “not going to be making… was going to be making…” yeah… exactly… how can they do that?!

Ok, yes… I know money isn’t everything… and yes, it could be a heck of a lot worse, but still… every time I start to catch up a little bit lately, life seems to hand me a fiscal banana peel, knocking me to the floor with a chuckle and a resounding whump…

You ever get the feeling that your life is just one long drawn-out episode of Candid Camera, and Alan Funt (only adorned in white robes with a long beard and looking more strikingly like God) is hiding behind a ficas somewhere with a big honking grin on his face, waiting to jump out and scream “surprise” and tell you that it’s all just a farce and in reality you’re a multi-millionaire and on you way to a tropical island where cheerful locals will massage your feet and lavish you with all sorts of fine cheeses and fruity drinks as every person who has ever been rude to you in your entire life is forced to tell you just how special and wonderful you are?

Maybe it’s just me...

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