Friday, March 10, 2006

Flarf rambling (literally)...

Ok, so I know I haven’t blogged in a while… quite a while… but there’s a good excuse… really.

Um… you see, about a month or so ago, I started studying transcendental mediocrity. It’s a new trendy spiritual quest (all the rage in Hollywood) that hopes to help you focus the positive energies of the world so you can obtain a state of being decidedly average. Well contrary to what Paris Hilton might be saying, it really didn’t generate quite the return on investment I was hoping for, so I decided to try something else… full contact bocce. Don’t laugh, it has potential… but seeing as it’s still winter, it didn’t work out all that well… you can probably imagine what happened. Yup, at the first match, our team leader went to throw out the “pea” (he, he, he), and the little sucker took a skid on a patch of ice and just kept going and going and going… anyway, we decided to declare the match a draw, and I decided to give up the sport entirely… at least until the spring thaw (or until I can stop laughing at the notion of throwing out the first “pea” which I have since learned, is also called a “jack,” a “kitty,” a “cue ball,” a “pill,” and a “palinna,” all of which hold their own humoristic merit with the last one packing the extra bonus of repeatedly making me think of that guy who keeps popping up in all of Aaron Sorkin’s projects).

But I digress…

Anyway, sporting endeavors notwithstanding, I have been quite busy, as I recently decided to see how many boxes it would take to reduce my entire life down to corrugated squares…

The answer: I forgot to count.

I was going to, really, but then a big truck showed up, and seeing as it was empty and everything, we just decided to see if we could actually fit all of said boxes on said truck… turns out we could.

We also had room enough for various pieces of furniture, questionable bits of art, and a 3-year-old Pomeranian named “PhooPhoo.”

Just kidding… the art wasn’t all that questionable (and the dog’s name was Ralph).

Once the truck was good and packed, we figured we might as well ride around in it a little… and a few yips here and there aside it was a rather pleasant trip (so I hear… I decided to take my car, and was enagaged myself by playing a rousing game of “where’s the kitty now?” for three hours or so).

Well when all was said and done I found myself no longer residing in the Commonwealth… Instead, I’m back in the Empire State, sitting at a desk in an apartment filled with wall-to-wall carpet, a shower that’s not trying to kill me, and most importantly of all, a dishwasher. I am however, also surrounded by a gaggle of cardboard containers that seem clearly confused as to their current location (how’s that for alliteration?). I’m sure they will adjust in time… for now, I just hope they don’t try to overthrow the appliances.

Well that’s all for now… more to come, on a more regular basis (I hope), as the days progress…


Oh, by the way… if you happen to see a dusty Pomeranian stumbling around your neighborhood, it’s probably best to keep your distance… I’m guessing he’s pretty ticked off right about now.

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